Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I need guy advice. Help?

Alright so, me and my ex, broke up like 2 months ago, and I started getting over him until he decided to tell me all about his new girlfriend. After 2 days of dating her, he's like ';I'm in love with her';, I was like yep, okay. But his current girlfriend was dating my exs cousin, and then broke up with him for my ex. Thats confusing but yeah. And now he tries to get me jealous and everything, and i'm ready to just kick his girlfriends asss. Shes so annoying, and she tries to talk to me. But then, when I start liking someone else, he makes me feel like complete sh!t about it. I really can't take this. And a few days before he started dating his current girlfriend he was like Tori, i misss you. and he said he wants to date me again and stuff, and now he just wants like nothing to do with me, but he still tries to talk to me, what do i do? im like so confused. and i cry almost every night about him. its hard for me to just move on.

Any advice on how to get over him,

I tried not talking to him - it didnt work.

I tried ignoring him - didn't work.

I tried moving on - didn't work.I need guy advice. Help?
It takes time. I know you've probably been told this before but it's true. I've been in a situation very close to yours not to long ago. Give him a clue you still like him and then move on. Delete his number, get rid of anything that reminds you of him, tell him you need space from him for awhile and tell his girlfriend to leave you alone. After you've gotten over him go back to being friends. If he throws a tantrum about it it only shows that he isn't the right kind of guy.I need guy advice. Help?
You need to realize this guy does not care about you the way you deserve to be cared about. Even though he is dating someone else, he still strings you along because he's selfish and doesn't want you to be with someone else. He likes the attention you give him.

I know it's hard, but you need to stop talking to him. He is not your friend. The more time you waste with guys like him, the less time you have to meet someone who will treat you right.

Good luck.
maybe you should try confronting to him. it seems his actions are causing you a lot of pain so you must really care about him. so you should deal with him and ask him whats up with the mixed signals/going back and forth. maybe he is just as unhappy as you are but doesn't know how to let you know that so he plays games instead.
looking at your circumstance, you really don't need this guy... he sounds like a piece of crap... tell yourself how much better your life would be without him... The only way to totally get over this guy is to realize how much better you could do. Take a weekend with your girlfriends and just watch chick flicks and eat ice cream and just do whatever makes yourself happy... Then you should go looking for hotter and better guys...

hope this helps you!!!!
Seems that u have a real problem tori,love is a strange thing,he doesn't really want u he just don't want u to move on,he wants his cake and eat it too,be strong and soon u will see the big picture.
there's no ';way'; to get over someone. you're going to like him for a really long time. just don't talk to him, and try to ignore him like you've been doing. in time, you will move on, naturally.
sounds like hes just trying to make you jealous with his girlfriend but trying to make you also feel bad about you liking anyone pretty much hes just a a$$hole in many aspects and just forget about him
tell him to leave you alone or you will call the police, if he does not stop get a restraining and gag order.
you need to separate yourself from the situation altogether and surround yourself with supportive girlfriends
time and time alone the more you try the more you hurt...
he sounds like he doesn't know what he wants, just flirt with guys in front of him, trust me, he'll get the picture
Join the Navy and move
I completely understand, and i wont tell you to move on, ignore him, and not talk to him, because obviously those aren't options. It may take a long time, but you will slowly, at your own pace, start moving on. These things take time, but trust me, you will soon get so sick of all the bull crap he is putting you through and you will realize you deserve better, it may just take you awhile and thats alright. As for now, forget what he says when you start to have an attraction for other guys, its your life not his, and if he keeps having this kind of hold on you, you will be the one that will suffer, not him, so keep that in mind. I just hope you realize you deserve way better, and though it may take time, you are slowly moving on. As for the girl, I'm sure if you were to tell her you are still bitter from the breakup, she will discontinue trying to be buddy buddy, but honestly don't take your anger out on her, use it for your ex. Unless she starts rubbing things in your face, she is really no enemy in this, as much as you may hate to hear that. Your ex is the enemy so save any of the mean emotions for him, you should want to kick his *** if anything.
try again to ignore him... avoid him at all costs .. again because talking to him is just going to hurt you more.. same with his new gf... and you will move on.. its his fault anyways... if you think about him snap an elastic band against your wrist.. guys are just morons okay? ... they're always like that.. their feelings change constantly .. if theres anything he gave you.. put it away or throw it away if you don't want it.. and don't hold back your tears .. if you want to cry, cry =)

i recommend you read this book ';The Heartbreakers'; by Pamela Wells

you should try harder to get your mind off of him.. do more activities with friends like sports and stuff... if you do talk to him.. it should be no more then 2 minutes... and dont ever let him see you cry... =) and you should want to kick his *** too ... %26gt;=3 really.. avoid him... don't call him.. delete him off your like msn and stuff... put away anything that reminds you of him

hopes this helps.. you just need to try harder =) i know its hard but thats what im doing and its helping me get over my breakup
every time you think about him just get busy with something else, watch tv, read a book, a mag, text your friends (but nothing having to do with him), oh, and number one thing, try to open yourself to other guys, believe me, some other guy will catch your eye if you just look. OH, and it wont work in just a couple of days, it might take months, just keep your head up, its hard but you have to anyways, there's no way out of a heartbreak. im going through my second, the first one was harder not cus i loved him more, but because i didn't know how to deal with it. now i do. (That's why im here answering questions, otherwise i would be in my bed crying).

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