Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My hip is killing me! Advice/help?

My hip has been killing me for the past 4 days. I (think) it might have been cause by tripping over my son, who was crawling underneath me and I couldn't see him.

I am going to a urgent care clinic today, because I don't have insurance and I can't really afford to go to the ER (and I don't have a family doctor).

My pain is sharp, and stabbing at times and dull and achy at other times. It has made me irratable and snappy. I haven't been sleeping well and haven't really wanted to each much lately. Sometimes the pain is so bad I feel like I'm going to pass out (I get light headed).

I can't do my daily tasks/chores, and it has unmotivated me to do anything but lay around and cry. It hurts when I stand, sit, lay down... The only thing that remotely helps in taking a HOT bath, but even then it doesn't really help. I have tried tylenol, ibprofen, nothing works. I've tried heating pads and ice packs... nothing.

What will a doctor at the clinic do to help me? I'm DYING!My hip is killing me! Advice/help?
Try ';Inflamoway'; this is a homeopathic ointment that stops pain.My hip is killing me! Advice/help?
He will most definitely take an xray. You probably fractured your hip???

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