Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can I have some medical advice/help please?

For the past month I have been having abdominal pains, so I went to get an examination, the lady told me I have cervicitis but I couldn't anything about it. I left it, and did what she said. By the weekend, I was in agony, I found it hard to walk at some points and I kept getting pains. It hurt to pee etc.. ( lovely) ..

So I called the NHS direct ( being hte weekend) they put me through to a variety of DRs who didn't really understand why the other lady had told me to leave it.

Anyway, In the past four weeks, I have been on amoxicillin and phenoxypenicillin, erythromycin, metronizadole and am finishing off doxycyclkin this week. These have all been prescribed by different drs.

THe abdominal pain has not gone away. It has got worse.

I am ill. Cold, headache, lethargic.

Constantly tired, I get a nights sleep and wake up knackered and end up sleeping most of the day. My body aches.

Can someone please help me!? I don't want to be going back to the DR to be dumped on ANOTHER round of antibiotics which is only making it all worse!!

please! thanks!! :)Can I have some medical advice/help please?
First, get on probiotics. I was just issued an obscenely unhealthy amount of antibiotics too, also did not help.

Now, here is the more nasty side of things. For over a month I have been suffering from extrememe bloating ( I look pregnant and I assure you I am not!) terribly cramping, exhaustion, and bowel movement issues. Drugs didn't work at all. So living in the bay area, I have access to countless homeopathic/ non western medicine users and believers.

Turns out the real issue was parasites. And the more research I did, I found how common they are even in the U.S. with a wide range of symptoms, including no symptoms for years! You can get them in hundreds of ways, even if you are super hygienic and careful- they are unavoidable! So I started by eating a tone of raw garlic and it helped a lot but had other/new sensations in my gut. I stopped eating the garlic and the symptoms came back, so I decided to go at these things full force. I am taking tinctures of grapefruit seed extract, wormwood and black walnut (that came in a parasite detox kit at wholefoods) Althought I am thinking about triyng the COlonix product- people seem to love.

Anywho, its working really well for me. Its a but of a slow process with some diet restrictions involved- but its better than antibiotics that dont work and pain.Can I have some medical advice/help please?
Did any of these doctors actually do a CAT scan on you? I think you would do better to visit a chiropractor instead.

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