Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I'm SCARED to get tested for STD...Need advice, help?

Okay, I have had partners in the past who were not faithful. I'm scared to get tested because what if the results confirm my greatest fear? Right now I can just assume I'm fine, but a test may prove otherwise. I have been in the hospital for wisdom teeth and plueresy where they took blood, and nothing came up. Also neither of my past girlfriends ever said they had anything. What if I have HPV or herpes? I would absolutely DIE! I need serious answers only. How do folks cope after being diagnosed with an incurable disease?I'm SCARED to get tested for STD...Need advice, help?
Wow that took forever! I had to get an account to answer your question! Yes yes yes get tested! Even though you had your blood taken when you got your wisdom teeth out, they wouldn't have tested it for STDs. Also it takes a certain amount of time from the actually moment of the behavior that you are worried about for the STD to show up on a test. If you are concerned that you may have an STD you need to get tested for your sake and for the others you may be in a relationship with down the road. It's like losing a leg. Pretending you didn't lose it or ignoring it won't make it grow back, just like trying to igore your worrying won't make and STD go away IF you have one. I am a red cross STD educator and all I can say is that you should get tested. You can't do anything until you find out if you have or don't an STD. Maybe you are worrying for nothing! If you do have an STD, it could be treatable and if it isn't, it doesn't mean it's fatal. If you do, talk with your doctor and they will more than likely have resources to help you cope. That's if you do have an STD.

Also, just because both of your exes said they didn't have an STD doesn't mean they didn't because they might have not gotten tested so they didn't know. That's why STDs are such a huge problem because people don't get tested so they don't even know themselves and then they spread it to another person who believes they have no reason to get tested. The bottom line is that not knowing can't do anything, but make it worse. It's ok to be scared, but you will be alright :) Just take the first step nd get tested. Good luck!I'm SCARED to get tested for STD...Need advice, help?
It is very important for you to get tested, so that you can get appropriate treatment if you have an STD, and you can take steps to prevent passing it on to others. The only way to find out if you have STDs is to get tested specifically for STDs. The blood test you had recently would not have identified any STDs because you were not tested for STDs. STD testing is not done automatically, and STDs can not be diagnosed any way other than through testing for specific STDs. You need to request the testing.

Regarding your comment about your past girlfriends: Unfortunately, some people lie about their sexual history or about whether or not they've been tested.

You can check the website to find free testing sites in your area. Just enter your ZIP code.
Just go an get it done. You will feel a lot better and you will not be so stressed out about it.

If the test comes back positive then just remember we all are going to pass away some day it's just a matter of how and when.
Get over your fear. It's better to know than not know.
You would not die of HPV or Herpes. You are not dealing with STDs, you are dealing with fear of what is not known. So find out.

You say you are scared that you might find out that you have an STD. At this moment, IF you have an STD, you also have anxiety.

Testing will show that you A: Have an STD, in which case you will get it treated and/or cured.Or B: You don't have an STD in which case you you are free of both STDs AND fear/anxiety.

There are very few STDs that are fatal and most of them are only fatal if you do not treat them. Bacterial STDs are treatable and curable. Viral ones are treatable- some like HPV, especially in men, are more of a nuisance than a threat and a healthy immune system will suppress the virus in under 2 years. HIV of course is the big scary one for most people. In any case, if you have an STD you can get treatment. It is immoral to say the least, and unwise to have sex with anyone in the future if you do not protect your own health and theirs.

Get tested and then you know.Not knowing does not make you un-infected but finding out you are not infected is priceless! I suspect the odds are much in your favour at this point.
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