Saturday, August 21, 2010

I really need some guy advice. help?

alright, so i've had a thing for this guy and have been trying to get over him but its not working out. i figured him not talking to me much, two years and three guys later would do it, but no, i'm still all over him. see, we used to be really good friends and even had a thing for one another for a while, but he never got ballsy enough to ask me out and we faded for a while. now i don't know how to get back to being close to him, seeing how he's really hard to get to intimately. i thought i stood a chance for a while, because he told a mutual guy friend he thought i was pretty. then he went for one of our mutual girl friends and now he's dating a girl two years younger than him that he doesn't even think is into him. i know i'm wasting my time with him since he isn't even giving me the time of day, but i just can't help myself, what should i do?

thanks in advance. =]

and honestly, i'm not trying to sound like a whiny teenage girl, i just want advice. i've really tried getting over him, i really have and i just can't.I really need some guy advice. help?
oh geez this is kinda scary coz its kinda like a reanactment of wat happend to me. im still not over him, even though im not sure i still like him. what i advise u to do is to tel him how you feel as embarrassing as it may be. try date othere guys and have fun with your life. if he doesnt feel the same then hes not worth it and not good enough for you and you should move on, as hard as it sounds. if hes unsure of himself, dont give up, but remember to be yourself. Good Luck!I really need some guy advice. help?
You can't get over him because deep down you don't want to. The day you really want to, you will.

Good luck to you.
just tell him you miss being close. if he feels the same, something will start. if not then you need to move on.
It sounds to me like he doesn't know what he wants. Don't call or text him. Talk to him face to face. Tell him you wish that you 2 were as close now as you used to be. If he acts like he wants that too, you're in good shape. If not, you'll have to bite the bullet and forget him.
Sorry to tell you hun, but the only way this is going to be resolved is through NO communication whatsoever, and distance.

I know it's tricky, but do something for the future you, and avoid him at all costs. It will help you in the long run.
you shouldn't really worry too much... i mean, if a guy is into you, or your into him alot, one or the other should let eachother know how they feel.... does he know how much you like him, like verbally, have you told him? and if you have, and he still doesnt ballsy up, then thats him, and its his loss...if he really likes you, he will come to you but dont wait along, i mean, im not saying go look for someone else but relationships and love and all that should never be something we should look for, just something that happens =) so, unless he knows the facts, let him know... =)

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