Saturday, August 21, 2010

Help me give advice to a young girl?

Ok theres this 15 year old girl who lives with her family and is very dis functional family. The girl is addicted to sex and drinking. The parents know but too lazy to do anything about. She keeps asking me to help her stop and I don't know what to do. I can tell she really wants to but gives in easily. What should I do?Help me give advice to a young girl?
she needs help, are u a doctor? i dont think so, get her to a therapist or a counselor or something, there are tons of youth counselors who deal with this kind of thing everytime, convince her its for her own good, if she really wants to stop, then she'll go.Help me give advice to a young girl?
Girls who don't come from good families sadly have these problems. I knew a girl who got pregnant at 16 because her family never communicated and just had no interest in their children. This made her feel like she needed love from someone else. She never got that sex talk and she never got that responsibility of a child talk.

More over, I DATED a girl who was just like that. She LONGED for love cause her family never loved her. She was all over me, jealous about me even talking to another girl. She felt like she owned me. These things cause serious problems. The best you can do in a situation such as this is be there for her.

Give her someone she can confide in and show her you don't need sex to get people to care. Show her the harm in drinking and better yet, show her the experience of how it feels to have legitimate FUN without drinking. She needs it, and technically speaking the girl won't get help from a psych because her parents would have to initiate the help and it looks like they won't from how he's put it. Good luck man.
Have her write a letter expressing her feelings to this whole situation and have her give it to you and then you give it to her parents so they know what she is thinking and that she really does want to change this bad habit.
turn her family in to child services and have them deal with it.

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