Monday, August 23, 2010

My horse really hates getting his face rinsed off does anyone have advice to help me with it?

its not really so bad with his face its mostly behind his ears,

ive tired turning the water on really low and petting him and stuff and trying to gently wash behind his ears he just really hates it when it gets in his ears but it only gets in his ears when he tosses up his head when im trying rinse them

(and DONT tell me not to rinse his face off at all)My horse really hates getting his face rinsed off does anyone have advice to help me with it?
My horse is the same way, and (yeah I read what you said) I don't rinse is face off at all.

I usually brush all the dust off with a face brush then rub it with a damp wash cloth. I bought this stuff (I think it's called White Chrome...) to enhance his blaze and cover up dirt.

If it's just when it gets into his ears I've heard of some people putting cottonballs in their horse's hears to prevent hair from falling in when clipping. They could just bother him more though.

I'd be a little upset if someone squirted water in my ears too...My horse really hates getting his face rinsed off does anyone have advice to help me with it?
buy a soft sponge from the tack shop and put water on it and clean with it
Giant sponges!! They work really well and that is what our grooms use and what I use on my horse. My mare hates water anywhere near her face and she'll try to flip herself over in the crossties if you try to spray her face with the hose, she doesn't care how much you try and comfort her lol. She doesn't mind the sponge though (she actually likes it) and in my experience, most horses like the sponge because the water won't go into their ears.

Try it, it works!
He may have an ear problem, may be worth looking at. If it is just water when you are hosing him, then quit hosing him there, use a soft sponge and clean him that way. I wouldnt recommend using a hose that close to his face or ears in any case, just a soft sponge - sooooooo much kinder, takes a bit more time, but for sure nicer for the horse.
i live on a farm with 3 horses and they dont like it either so we usually just take r hands and run it under water then rub his/her head with r hands just like we r petting him/her !! tell me if it works out ok good luck
Instead of rinsing his face wet a wash clothe and wash his face like you would a child. He maybe afraid of water and that maybe the only way to clean it.
My pony had this problem. I would actually stand right beside her and be like ';ssh, it's okay'; all comforting in her ear while I had somebody do the scrubbing so she wouldn't get so scared.

However, I did have a horse that had a really bad ear problem, so if my first suggestion, you might want to take him to the vet to check for any sort of problems, because that's what was wrong with Pete.
get a towle or something and wet it then just clean were u need too clean it.
If I was good with horses I would have a good answer for you but I don't--sorry and good luck.
Leave the crud on for 6 months and the horse will certainly appreiciate a clean face then I'm sure.
i had this same problem and I came to realize that maybe my horse just doesnt want that to happen. My solution was to take a wet washcloth or a sponge and clean there. There are jsut certain times when you have to know when to let it go. Pick your battles.
call the horse wisperer
Try to coax the horse or entice it with some food. Just like any animal, they just need to be trained to do what you want. Sometimes it will take more time than other traits. Be patient and he will get used to it.
If you hold his nose gently from above he can't toss his head. Maybe try a sponge on the ears instead of a hose or whatever you're doing.
Our grooms use big soft natural sponges to wash the head,face and ears ,the horses don't mind it at all,they are Arabian show horses so they have been bathed this way from the time they were very young. Try it with a sponge ,I hope it works for you and your horse.

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