Saturday, July 31, 2010

Still bleeding after the third time of having sex?! advice? help?!?

i lost my virginity for the first time but it only lasted a short while and he didnt go too far in because it hurt me too much. i didnt bleed at all this time apart from a few drops i noticed after i went to the toilet. we had sex a few days later but this time he did it alot deeper and it really hurt i also had abdominal pains and found it all really uncomfortable, after sex this time there was alot of blood it turned out my period had come two weeks early?( i dont know if this is normal) i thought my period had stopped yesterday but last night when we had sex it was really painfull and uncomfortable again and i bled again! but im not sure if thats the end of my period or something? a few hours later i still had abdominal pains then i got a water infection but im not sure if thats realted to having sex or whether its just coincidense. i know i have a septate hymen and that can be tough to break so could it be that? i looked today its still there! but it looks different than it used to so im guessing its been stretched and damaged. anyone that can help me please do because im really woried and dont really know much about all this.

thankyou xxStill bleeding after the third time of having sex?! advice? help?!?
It doesn't sound like you are having too much fun. Losing your virginity rarely is!! However the concept that one size fits all is not true. If the man you are intimate with has a large penis he may be penetrating too deep and causing you discomfort. Slow down a little and let your partner know the moment he is hurting you.

As for the period coming early - sexual activity dramatically alters your hormonal levels. So don't worry about the irregularity. But do make sure that's all it is and he hasn't inadvertently hurt you.

The bladder infection is all part of the bruising too.

Take it slow and heal a little before you try again. - And make sure he is gentle with you.Still bleeding after the third time of having sex?! advice? help?!?
It shouldn't normally be a big problem go and see your GP
Well, if you are ready for sex, then you will be prepared mentally and physically....I mean foreplay here. If you are sexually aroused, then you produce a natural lubricant and it slips in and out easily.

You could always use a lubricant from the chemist (apply to yourself and his penis) but think about this.....are you really ready to have sex? Maybe you are so nervous that you are 'not getting into it', not having enough foreplay or clitoral stimulation or just need to wait a few months before you start again???

Go back a few steps and start again...

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