Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our cat is sick, any advice out there? I know there are many smart people with great advice...Help please?

Our male, neutered cat, Dweezil, will be 1 yr old on Mother's day. He has been quite lethargic and unresponsive for almost 48 hours. Fortunately, we were able to squeeze him for a vet appointment tomorrow morning, but until then, i want to make sure he's comfortable. He seems warm to touch, like he may have a fever, and he's thrown up 5 times. I've been reading like crazy, but all the symptom ranges are too broad to tell what might be wrong with him. I know it could be anything, and it's too hard to tell unless someone sees him, especially a medical professional, but any advice would help us. It breaks our hearts to see him like this. He's been laying in the same spot in the doorframe for the last 12 hours. I appreciate any positive input.Our cat is sick, any advice out there? I know there are many smart people with great advice...Help please?
As you said, the symptoms are so non-specific they could relate to a number of things. However, two of my cats had some kind of tummy virus a couple of months ago with similar symptoms, and a few antibiotics later they were up and bouncing, so hopefully it is something that simple.

The best thing you can do is just let him be and make sure he takes in moisture. Vomiting can dehydrate a cat in a flash, so you need to make sure he drinks, even if you have to force feed him some water, tuna juice, or even a little milk (although if he vomits, milk will get sour). If he won't drink and you don't have syringe, you can saturate a clean cloth and squeeze in drops and rub moisture on his gums. You can add a pinch of baking soda to water which might help settle the stomach (it won't hurt), or rub a few grains on his gums. Don't worry too much about food at this point, just make sure he gets moisture.

Good luck, try not to fret, and try and get some sleep. Good luck at the vet tomorrow, and keep us posted.Our cat is sick, any advice out there? I know there are many smart people with great advice...Help please?
As you said, there are soooo many possibilities that it is impossible to tell right now. Could he have been poisoned? (like maybe anti-freeze) What about chewing on an electrical cord and getting shocked? Could it be a bladder stone blocking him off? Has he been eating, drinking, peeing %26amp; pooping.

One good thing is cats are so resilient and will bounce back from near death.

As a person with a lot of pets, I really hope Dweezil will be ok.
I hope your cat pulls through I have had cats sick like yours and some of them died and some pulled through but then again they were kittens the older ones are the ones that survived, well its good that he threw up that means he could be getting all that bad stuff out of his system. that's all i could tell you good luck
My cat knocked his head on a few occasions when he was a kitten. He was feeling pain all week long and hardly ate anything. He was hot. What I did was to leave him alone, put him on cushy surface and let him recover on his own.

He's a full grown cat now.
I am glad you are taking him to the vet. My best guess is that he got into something and/or ate something he shouldn't have. Just try to make him as comfortable as possible. =D good luck on your vet visit.
Look around to see if he got into something that could be toxic to him. Random things we wouldn't think of could make him sick
I just wanted to add to what Pretty Kitty told you. I'd use pedialyte instead of water and I would demand that he take it, even if it's one drop at a time. I'd also put a drop of karo or pancake syrup on his tongue once an hour until he goes to the vet. The pedialyte will replace the lost electrolytes and help with dehydration. The pancake syrup will up his glucose level(blood sugar). Gerber baby food chicken would be a Godsend if you can get it in him. It will boost his protein level and aid in his immune systems ability to potentially fight off whatever this is making him sick.

By the way, LOVE his name!!!!
Actually, if there is a 24 hour emergency vet in your area I would take him there right now. If that is not an option, just keep him as comfortable as possible for now. You could lay him on a soft blanket in a dark, quiet spot, and put his litter box near him just in case. Don't try to make him eat any food but do offer him some water. Talk to him quietly and reassure him. There's not much else you can do for him until he gets to the vet.

Sorry I can't be more help but I hope he's OK.
Has he had any stool in the past couple days? Is he eating? He's young, so it's possible that he's blocked and in pain. Please take him to the emergency clinic tonight; it rather scares me that this has been going on for two days and you don't have an appointment until tomorrow.

Also, offer him water, but don't force it. If he's been vomiting, he's not going to keep it down. He needs IV fluids.
I'm sorry but, the best thing for him is to see the vet.

The vet will be able to properly examine and diagnose your cat...there's only so much of an answer we can give on here and even that doesn't ensure our opinions are right.

Good luck and I wish Dweezil the best. Please be sure to give us the updates when he sees a vet tomorrow.

Thanks for making him an appointment and I really hope all goes well for you and your companion.

The best I think you can do until getting him to a vet tomorrow is just to be with him and let him know you're there...stroke him and talk to him softly. Make sure fresh water is available near him so he doesn't get dehydrated.
You're right about the symptoms being too broad to diagnose without a professional. The good thing is you're getting him help from the vet. Offer him some light food like unseasoned chicken broth. It's important he drinks water to keep him hydrated. Don't force it if he won't take it. He might eat a few bites of boiled chicken or chicken baby food. My cat had a bout with something like that a few months ago. Sometimes the cause of the fever can't be identified and the vet will call it a fever of unknown origin. My cat had to be hospitalized and given IV antibiotics to bring his fever down but he only stayed a day and did fine after I brought him home. He had to have oral antibiotics for a week afterwards but did fine. You're doing the right thing getting him to a vet. Just watch him tonight. Hope he does well tomorrow.
I'm not a vet so I can't tell you what's wrong with him, but from my experience with cats I would say he's been poisoned. Check around your house for things he might've eaten. Many house plants are toxic to cats, as are foods like chocolate and onions. Could also be cleaning supplies. If you find something that looks like he's been munching on it, look it up online to find what you can do.

The most important thing I've learned with sick cats is to always keep them hydrated. If they're throwing up, they're losing liquid, which is not good. They may not want to drink water, but you need to make them. Take an eye dropper or syringe or what have you and force-feed him water if you can't convince him to drink normally.

Good luck!
Dweezil has a great name. Keep a really close eye on him, in case is condition changes. If he seems to be getting worse. take him to a vet ER immediately. Make sure he is extra comfy. Try setting him in his favorite kitty bed or spot. Make sure to have some blankets for him. Fevers sometimes makes you cold. And have water and food near by, a litter box too. I hope this helps and I hope that he feels better soon. Hang in there Dweezil!!

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