Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hi, i need some good advice! how do i help my son conquer his fear of public toilets?

i must add at this point, that he is three and a half. in the last month, after a lot of training, my son can now go out, wearing pants, without my having to change wet trousers etc. he is confident enough to use a toilet to wee but he still needs the potty for doing a pooh, he can go at home,at his grandparents house and at play school, but he is absolutely terrified of public toilets. he went to a holiday club last week and he went to toilet 3 times on their big playing field - and he did both!

i feel bad because i believe that i haven't taught him properly, but i feel more for him, because it upsets him when he can't do a wee etc, wherever he is. today, he stood in the middle of the shopping centre and did a wee. i need to know how i can deal with this properly. the cleaner at the centre told me that most little ones are afraid of the toilets, because of the noisy hand-dryers. i understand this - he has always been scared of loud noises - he still doesn't like the vaccum cleaner!Hi, i need some good advice! how do i help my son conquer his fear of public toilets?
can i just say that when you do go out please just put him in trainer pants and bring his stress levels down, keep spares and nappy bags and let him tell you when he wants to do things. Please keep him away from mens public loos too at all costs and take him to the ladies with you if you are out for the day, Keep him stress free and keep calm about it your self.Hi, i need some good advice! how do i help my son conquer his fear of public toilets?
it is not my type of should go with him(when he needs to)..and distract his attention(telling jokes =))...) feagure..something....sorry...i know i screwed up...i didn-t help you too much..srry for wasteing your time...............:))
Take your potty with you. Let him use the potty in the public loo so he gets used to the loos but the comfort of his own potty. That should help
hi,try talk to him more about using a toilet and take him to toilet and try to do it together that he will see there nothing to be afraid of hope it will help.
a lot of time kids are scared of the sound of the flush that the toilet can carry post it notes in your diaper bag to put on the sensor of the toilets that flush automatically....worked for my kids
put him back in nappies until he is ready to do so

trust me it works
My son is almost 30 %26amp; still will not use a public toilet.
Did you know you can get travel pottys? Yeh unhygenic but a god send to the little miters you train. Otherwise try going in the cubicle with him, or taking him in the disabled toilet where it usually is more spacious and less imitating. I once bough my son these plastic pants when he was training to stop his pants from getting wet, he used to get very embrassed bless him. It worked a treat.
i would go in the cubicle with him and really praise him if he does do anything,then id make a big deal when you get home,let him tell daddy or nanna or auntys and uncles,and get them to say how clever he is,good luck hun.x
Sunny is right go with him and keep him company and keep his distracred have you also try wearing nappies for trips to the store or public places this helps.
use the paper or just tell him to squat or stand
this is common take a potty out with you when you can just keep it in a carrier bag, he will grow out of it,
i agree, use the disabled toilet because thats more spacious and private for him. My nephew, althoug he'd go in to the public loo, would insist on no-one being in there with him. So the disabled loo was the only way we could be sure he was safe.

Kids are funny about things like that I think. You could also try bringing him for a wee treat after he uses the oublic loo and tell him why you're treating him
Buy some really cool headphones and when you need to go to the bathroom, dig out the ';potty earphones';. Hey, might work!!!:)
My son took ages to do poo in the toilet, not until nearly 5!!! You just have to go along with it and they will eventually get over it. Try encouraging with a star chart, or anything that he likes doing.... I used to give my little girl a smartie everytime she used the toilet, it didn't take long and she then forget about the smarties so no long term problems with sweeties.

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