Sunday, July 25, 2010

I need advice on my relationship please someone help me outt?

Ok me and my bf have been dating for 5 and a half months and i actually love him so i told him that then he started picking fights with me and everything even checking out other girls and saying ';Damn that's nice and little remarks like that and now he wont come over to my place . Did i go to far and ruin the relationship or what does this mean?? %26amp; What should i say to him next ?? Someone help me pleaseI need advice on my relationship please someone help me outt?
Sounds like he isn't serious honey. If he would be so disrespectful to you to check out others in your presence and not care about should consider your options and leave this dude in the dust.

YOU DID NOTHING love him. He is the jerk missing a sensitivity chip. He could have said...that is good...I am not there yet and be kind and sensitive...but no...he is hurtful and downright disrespectful.

I don't know what you should say to him next. I would be a bit furious that he is showing his true colors. He is not in a committed relationship with you....and that has to hurt.

I would not put up with it. he knows you love him now...and if you let him hurt you like this...then you are letting him use you.

I am not saying he has to say I love you back..just be a little sensitive and kind to someone who lost their heart to HIM. It should be an honor and not a problem... he is a child...immature and hurtful.I need advice on my relationship please someone help me outt?
umm ok.

im just gonna go ahead and be honost with u here.

well idk for what reason it is ,saying i love u isnt the problem i dont think it is atleast.

because 5 and a half months isnt too soon.

but i think that hes gunna break up with u.

theres 2 parts of a break up. the first is the build up and thats when the guy/girl start fights and just stop talkin to the other person , or just not talk as much and the second part is the acctual break up.

i think he might be building up for it.

iii am not sure if he does want to break up with u or not but...just ask him whats wrong next time u see him.

MSG me if u want more help or something.
im a guy nd ive experienced that same problem myself wen i get to that place wen a girl tells me that... look the thing to do ther is call him up nd tell him that your feelings for him are really strong nd that you mean it but he doesn't have to say it and neither will you until your both ready for love... because he might feel rushed nd uncomfortable with having to say he loves you to if he doesnt mean it... so maybe thats why hes acting like didnt ruin it...but jst dont use that word...not till your both ready for it... because wen you are ready for it...he'll be the one to say it...just give it is a strong word...maybe hes not ready for it...
He wasn't ready for it. And now he knows he has you under the thumb he thinks he's off the leash. He's testing the waters to see how much he can get away with. Start checking out other guys infront of him and see if he gets jealous. Garenteed he will. Then polietly smile and say i'm testing you out too. Or something along those lines so he knows you're not as under the thumb as he thought you were.

Answer mine?鈥?/a>

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