Sunday, July 25, 2010

Please help i need buisness advice, about taking on a pub anyone with any advice or knowlege in this area?HELP

I am about to inherit 拢20,000 and i have been trying to think of a good and worthwhile thing to spend it on. i was thinking of puting it down as a deposit on a house but i have no idea whether that would be possible or whether i'd need more money? any ideas on that? However have come up with the idea of taking on a pub so it would be let out to me for around 10,000 and i would be trained and left to my own devices so i would be running it with the help of my boyfriend. I'm only young and dont know much about whether this would be worth it and if i would gain money from it, as i certainly dont want to lose it.This is something i would really love to do but does anyone have any advice/opinions or know anything about this sorta thing and know what i should do?Please help i need buisness advice, about taking on a pub anyone with any advice or knowlege in this area?HELP
Deposit on house is far better idea

Publicans don't last long as a rule

The hours are long and you dont get any praise for the work you do.

The money you invest in a pub when you leave you will lose it all

At least if you invest in bricks %26amp; mortar you have some capital behind you for the future as long as you keep up mortgage repayments.Please help i need buisness advice, about taking on a pub anyone with any advice or knowlege in this area?HELP
Think long and hard about if this is the life for you.. it's fun going to the pub for a night out but the other side of the bar can be a real strain on the body and relationship.. the training isn't so bad so lets just take it you get a license.. then you get your pub.. from then on it is a 365 day a year job with just Christmas day evening off.. its days and nights.. every day often till mid-night.. are you planning on serving food? then you'll be stuck in the kitchen for 7 days a week cooking food from 12 - 3 every day or whatever hours you decide to serve meals.. then you got the cleaning.. fancy cleaning out the toilets after a pub full of men have been enjoying themselves all evening? could you handle the drunks? give it lots of thought!!
Business wise, pubs nearly always make money, if its well run. However, morally and personally you would be responsible for helping create alcoholics, damaging people's health, encouraging and having to deal with under-age drinking, dealing with potential violence and abuse aimed at your staff and customers, unsociable working hours and much more.

I would recommend putting your money into a coffee shop franchise. As profitable as a pub without all the negatives associated with pubs. (listed above). However you lose the sociability of having as many 'regulars' (which many landlords like) as you would get in a pub, but my experience of pub work, is that regulars tend to be depressing alcoholics with nowhere better to go!

Or if you want to keep your current job, and want more security in the long run use it to help buy a house. The bigger your deposit, the lower the monthly mortgage.

And at the end of the day any money your spending is going on yourself, rather than a business that may eventually fail!

Buy a house!
With my work I deal with pubs daily - most of them are closing down because of the smoking ban. If you lease a pub from one of the breweries you will not make much profit as you will have lots of overheads, most of the people I speak to either work somewhere during the day and run the pub at night or they only earn 拢200 per week wages. You say 拢10,000 for the pub, this would be yearly and then you have stock, electricity, wages, wear and tear, don't jump into it talk to someone who has a lease on a pub and they will tell you the same.

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